Thursday, July 26, 2012


                        First of all, we can all say that we have some type of need for organization in our lives, this is especially true online. Over the years I have acquired more and more accounts, some of which I can't even remember at this point. Since I have joined this program, this is even more true. In the past there was no need (that I saw) for me to use certain sites or programs, however, I have found that the sites I have been avoiding are the ones that will be the most beneficial to developing exciting lessons, sharing information, and engaging the students.

                           For this project, I was assigned the website www.evernote.comOn the surface and in its functionality evernote is similar to google docs or google drive. There are some benefits of using google drive over evernote, but there are also some benefits of using evernote over google docs. First, there are things that you can do in evernote that you cannot do in google docs. For example, in evernote you are able to sync information between computers, phones, tablets, and a variety of other devices. Also, when creating notes you can create audio and video notes. At the moment, I can't think of when exactly you would need use this feature, but I think it will be a useful tool in the classroom. 

                           There is another feature that allows you to save files/information from the internet through their webclipper tool. Now instead of make numerous bookmarks you can save only the information you want from the webpage for reference. The tag feature allows you to make note of keywords in your note. This is helpful when you are looking for a note and forget the name, or even when you can only remember a certain part of what you wrote, this helps you keep track of things. I like the organization, the available space, and that I can access the information in this program from anywhere. I love the idea of using this program to work with students on projects, to have students use it to work on group projects, and to give them a useful and creative outlet to communicate with each other and the community in an effective and professional manner. The only side note I make is that, with all forms of technology, we (as teachers) need to ensure that our students now how to use the programs/sites effectively and appropriately. 

"No matter how correct a mathematical theorem may appear to be, one ought never to be satisfied that there was not something imperfect about it until it also gives the impression of being beautiful." ~ George Boole


  1. I thought you did a great job of presenting Evernote in class today. I'm excited to use it to take and organize notes. You mentioned the audio/video note feature- I could see that being helpful in the classroom. For example, if you were a teacher listening to students' presentations, you could record bits of them for grading purposes.

  2. Hi, Kathleyn - You can also use Evernote (with a very robust password) as a place to store those pesky usernames and passwords. (I usually write myself a hint or mnemonic instead of outright typing them in.)

  3. I really enjoyed learning about Evernote as well. I had tried using it before as a chrome application, but by needing to learn about it to present it as well, I really got to explore much more of its abilities. I think Evernote will be something that I will definitely be using for my own note-taking, and will be encouraging my students to become familiar with before heading off to college. Also, I have found audio recording helpful for recording certain lectures that I want to go back to and listen to again. This can be especially helpful if I have a friend that missed the lecture and may benefit from the audio.

  4. I also presented Evernote and have been trying to think of ways to use it in the classroom. I think it could be helpful in having students organize notes (also depends on access to technology at school and at home for students). But, ideally, our students would have access to a computer and could thus compile their notes in Evernote. I like this idea of having everything in one place but also being able to access it from multiple mobile devices. I also agree with you about having multiple accounts. I too can't remember all of my accounts so I think this year will help me to get organized, find the ones I need to use, and get rid of the ones I don't need.

  5. I was impressed with Evernote once I learned all of its features. I think it's awesome that you can organize things so well in that program, I think it's unmatched right now. It combines the best of things like Diigo into one program. Would you say it's fair to say that google docs may be better for sharing wiht your group, but Evernote might be better for sharing with a group?

  6. Preaching to the choir here, but I love Evernote as well. I use it on a daily basis, but it was only through our small group discussions on Friday that I learned the breadth of evernote's capabilities. It's ability to sync across platforms is hugely vital - our lives are more interconnected with our mobile devices than ever before, and it's important for a program to be able to work with them all. It's audio/video feature is invaluable - we're truly entering a different era of note-taking that printed notes. This is the world we live in, eh?

  7. Kounting Kathlyen,
    I love the idea of using keynotes in evernote. The tag feature seems like a wicked way to keep information successfully stored. We've all had that feeling in google docs where everything is all over the place. Using tags seems way more efficient!
